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This article gathers the views and voices of teenagers during the pandemic. Young adults who are currently in sixth form and university have arguably been hit the hardest. In this article, we discuss mental health, where to get help and the overall effect of lockdown on the social and educational careers of young adults

The pandemic has made me feel helpless. 

Knowing there's absolutely nothing I can do to get my 'prime years' back. My 'big eighteen' is on the horizon and I may only be able to celebrate it with 5 others.

Moreover, I have not been able to visit my university choices. I don't even have the option to take a gap year and travel. The worst part isn't feeling stripped from so many opportunities, it's not being able to do anything about it. 


- Skylar, 17

The pandemic has made me so angry because whilst I can do everything in my power to be safe, all around me I see people being irresponsible and there’s nothing I can do to stop it. It’s made me feel completely isolated because no one seems to care or have any empathy towards others, I have lost so many friends because of fights over this.


- Ruby, 17

Lockdown has really changed how I think about the world. I feel as if we appreciate the little things in life now, that we used to take for granted: going out for a meal with friends, sitting in the park for a picnic, its made me really appreciate everything so much more. Lockdown isn't easy, it has had a detrimental effect on the mental health of myself and others, isolated people, and left us feeling like we've missed out on proper education. Hopefully in the next few months life will return to 'normal.' However, until then, Zoom calls and Microsoft Teams lessons become the new norm, yet again, hopefully the end of this is in sight.


- Maisie, 18

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